Monday, August 27, 2012

The greatest bachelorette party ever!

After presenting the invitations that I've made for the bachelorette party, I think that it is a good time to write a little about the party itself although it was a while back.
Pošto zvezde prethodnog posta bile pozivnice za devojačko veče, red je da malo pričam i o samoj devojačkoj večeri, iako je sad već prošlo dosta vremena od nje.

It was a big, big honor for me when my sister asked me to organize hers bachelorette party. A dream come true! Oh, I let my imagination loose and got thousands of ideas. I took the best ones that were doable and did my best to make it a night to remember.
Za mene je bila veeelika čast kada mi je sestra poverila organizaciju njene devojačke večeri. To mi je bila najveća želja! Pustila sam maši na volju i pokušala da od hiljadu ideja izaberem one izvodljive i napravimo veče za pamćenje.
This is how it all began - with a special bouquet, made by future sister-in-law:
Ovako je sve počelo - buket je specijalno za ovu priliku napravila buduća zaova:
Recognize the shoes? First destination of the evening: the bowling alley - girls, leave your heels aside for some serious fun time!
Prepoznajete li patike? Prva destinacija je bila kuglana - drage devojke, štikle na stranu i pravac zabava!
Girls in action:
Devojke u akciji:
Recharging batteries for the location no.2 - one seriously gorgeous cake, made by my friend Ana:
Morale su se napuniti baterije pre odlaska na lokaciju br.2 - bila je to jedna opasno dobra torta koju je napravila moja drugarica Ana:

Transfer to the location no.2 almost resulted in much feared clash of the bachelorette and bachelor party.
Vodka-martinis: the choice drink for the evening, special request by the bachelorette!
Sugar & alcohol? We survived! ;)
Prelazak na drugu lokaciju je zamalo rezultovao u "sudaranju" devojačke i momačke večeri.
Votka-martini je bilo piće večeri po specijalnom zahtevu buduće mlade!
Kako se slažu šećer i alkohol? Preživele smo! ;)
Have I said that the second location was a pub and with live music too? Dancing feet...
Da li sam rekla da je druga lokacija bila pab i živa svirka? Nožice plesalice...
And, naturally, a sign of recognition ;)
Naravno, imale smo i specijalan znak raspoznavanja ;)
May I just say that the table football rocks!
I samo da kažem da je stoni fudbal strava!
And after all the excitement, transfer to the location no.3 where home atmosphere, especially selected music and some very good home made snacks made by us girls gave the perfect closure to this event :)
I posle svih uzbuđenja, usledio je transfer na lokaciju br.3 gde su nas u kućnoj atmosferi čekali specijalno probrana muzika i odlična klopa koju su devojke pripremile. Savršeno za kraj ovog posebnog događaja :)

If I may say so, I think that I did a pretty good job as a party planner! :)
Ako smem da kažem, mislim da sam odradila dobar posao! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Decoupage bachelorette party invitations

I honestly don't know if it is common or not to send formal invitations for a bachelorette party. The world is big and there probably are places where this is a given. However, here it is not. Nonetheless, why not do it?
Da budem iskrena, ne znam da li je formalno slanje pozivnica za devojačko veče uobičajeno ili ne. Svet je velik i sigurna sam da postoje mesta gde se to podrazumeva. Kod nas ne. Ali zašto da ne?

It had been a while since I last did something creative, and so I decided that my sister's bachelorette party was the perfect excuse to finally let the creative steam out and make something nice - a set of invitations for her bachelorette party (which I was organizing).
Prošlo je dosta vremena od kako sam poslednji put napravila neku kreativnu stvarčicu pa mi je sestrino devojačko veče bilo savršena prilika da konačno "odvrnem kreativnu slavinu" i napravim nešto lepo - komplet pozivnica za devojačko veče (čiji sam organizator bila ja).
I have created a set of cards / invitations using napkin decoupage and card making techniques. Doing decoupage on soft and rather thin cardboard was a new thing to me. I was worried that the cardboard will lose its shape when wet from the glue / varnish, but in the end it all turned out for the best and I was very happy with the results.
Napravila sam komplet pozivnica koristeći dekupaž salveta tehniku i tehnike za pravljenje čestitki. Za mene je bilo novo to što sam radila dekupaž na mekanom i tankom kartonu i brinula sam se da će se karton deformisati od vlažnog lepka / laka, ali je na kraju sve dobro ispalo i bila sam zadovoljna rezultatom.

What I wasn't happy about was when most of the girls canceled on a day when I planned to give them the cards so that they received their invitations on the evening of the party. But c'est la vie! On the bright side, they all were surprised and had liked the cards and had brought home something to remind them of the occasion. Mission accomplished!
Ono čime nisam bila baš zadovoljna jeste to što se većina devojaka javila da ne može da dođe na sastanak onog dana kada sam htela da podelim pozivnice, pa su ih dobile na samo devojačko veče. Ah dobro, c'est la vie! Dobro je to što sam ih iznenadila, što su im se pozivnice dopale i što su sa sobom ponele nešto što će ih podsećati na ovaj događaj. Misija uspela!