Sunday, September 14, 2014

Manly man's decoupage box

It's easy to make a decoupage gift for a woman or a girls. That's a no-brainer. How about when you want to make a decoupaged gift for a guy? Things get far more complicated. You need to think about what men like, what colours are appropriate (surely not pink), what themes are acceptable (pretty flowers or romantic lady portraits are probably out of the question), and where to FIND material with such motifs.
Smisliti dekupaž poklon za žene ili devojke nije nimalo teško. Nikakva problem! Ali šta ako treba da smislite dekupaž poklon za mušku osobu? Tu stvari postaju puno komplikovanije. Treba smisliti šta je to što se muškarcima dopada, koje boje su prigodne (sigurno ne roza), koje teme su prihvatljive (lepi cvetići ili romantični ženski portreti sigurno otpadaju), i naravno, treba PRONAĆI materijal sa takvim motivima.
This is my take on decoupage for a guy. I've made it for a colleague, and my first (and only) real customer so far, as a small parting gift of appreciation when he was leaving the company.
Ovo je jedna moja vizija dekupaža za muškarca. Kutijicu sam napravila kao mali poklon kolegi, mojoj prvoj (i jedinoj) pravoj mušteriji, kada je odlatzio iz firme.
It's something I've made some time ago but didn't get the chance to share it yet (as is the case with most of my decoupage works, but I need to start somewhere). My only regret is that it was a last minute photo shoot, and now I see that some angles I usually like to take and share are not there... What can I do, c'est la vie!
Ovo je napravljeno pre dosta vremena, ali do sad nisam objavila (što je slučaj sa većinom mojih dekupaž radova, ali od negde treba početi). Jedino mi je žao što smo fotografisali u poslednji čas pa sam tek naknadno shvatila da nemam uslikane neke uglove koje inače volim. Ali, šta da se radi...

1 comment:

mrgood said...

Great decoupage box, I really like it :)
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