Since I have never planned my summer getaway on my own, this was a bit of challenge. I wonder how people manage to plan their vacations year after year if it is as hard and as demanding as it has been for me this time. Ironically, when the time came to start planning, I said "I don't want to interfere, you arrange all and I'll be surely a more-than-happy companion. All I look for in a vacation is a good company (that I already have) and a beautiful beach".It didn't work out like I planned. As time passed I was more and more engulfed in the frenzy of finding a perfect place (in our price range, off course). I simply had to know every detail and to plan and plan an plan. It was my own fault of character, I'm well aware.
Turkey has been our choice for this summer from the start, and luckily for us that we had limited our search to only one tourist agency. Otherwise, I suspect, we would search for our holiday for at least a year!My only request turned out to be the tricky one. Whichever beach I saw in photos, I was never satisfied. I kept comparing them with our beautiful Strand (a beach on Danube in Novi Sad) and even more with the Golden Sands where I was a month ago. Try to imagine wide stretches of gold coloured sand caressed by playful waves of blue. Sea shells sunken in the sand. Enchanting blues of sea and sky blending in hazy swirls on the horizon, even and unspoilt by anything, endless, unreachable and surreal.That is the picture I brought with me from Bulgaria and that is why no other beach seemed to measure up. Let's face it, the Golden Sands have "ruined" Turkey beaches for me this year.
As I wrote some time ago, we went to Bulgaria. We also came back, and I still have not written a word about our trip. It is not t
hat I didn't want to, but that I didn't want to slip into cliche, say how wonderful it has been, write a report-like text: we were there, we've done that. That is boring. That is for a diary. Well, maybe not even for a diary because it would not be personal enough.It is not my style to be a wannabe journalist. I don't think that that style is for me. I like to write stories, not news. I want to explore personal feelings, not facts.So, yes, we were in Bulgaria. It is an interesting country, where we felt at home and did not see the reasons why they are in the EU and we are not, considering that everything functions in similar dysfunctional ways in both countries. We saw and bathe in the Black sea. The coast is beautiful. People very friendly, although somewhat disorganised.That would be the end of the report. Thank you very much!