It is cold and white and it feels like Christmas time. But it's not. It's February. I must say, I'm more in holiday mood now that I was in January. Then there was no snow and I need snow to feel the season.
Well, after complaining how strange and mild this winter has been, there came snow and ice and the winter finally showed us its teeth. One might say everything looks romantic when snow falls and the rooftops are white, but for some the reality is cruel, a total opposite of romantic. Yin and yang of the wintertime...
I've played a bit with my phone camera last few days, and took some shots of my dear Novi Sad covered in white robes. Sadly I missed the moment I've witnessed yesterday when an avalanche of show fell form the Cathedral, but the noise of it still rings in my ears - at first a distant thunder, than stronger and loud as it hit the ground. It made eyes wide and people stop and stare.
Sve je belo i hladno kao pred Novu godinu. Ali nije Nova godina. Februar je. Mada, ja sam sada više u tom novogodišnjem raspoloženju nego što sam bila u januaru. Tada nije bilo snega, a bez snega mi je teško da uđem u taj novogodišnji "filing".
Neko vreme smo se žalili kako je ova zima čudna i blaga, a onda je došao sneg i led i zima nam je konačno pokazala svoje zube. Moglo bi se reći da sve deluje romantično kada pada sneg i zabele se krovovi, ali za nekog je realnost zime surova, potpuna suprotnost od svake romantike. Jin i jang zime...
Prošlih dana sam se malo igrala kamerom na svom
telefonu i zabeležila moj dragi Novi Sad u belom ruhu. Nažalost, juče
sam propustila momenat kada je lavina snega pala sa Katedrale, ali i
dalje čujem taj zvuk u glavi - prvo udaljeno tutanjanje, sve glasnije, a
onda jak udarac snega o zemlju. Oči su se širile a ljudi zastali i