Sunday, June 28, 2015

Purple & black decoupage wall clock for my grandmother

Once upon a Christmas I offered to my granny to make her a decoupage wall clock. We sat down at my computer and with my help she browsed some napkins online to choose the pattern she likes. I was expecting pastel roses or a romantic bouquet, but surprise, surprise, she chose one very modern and cool design. Good for you, granny! 
Jednom prilikom za Božić ponudila sam baki da joj napravim dekupaž zidni sat. Sele smo za moj komijuter i izbirale online salvetu koja joj se dopala. Očekivala sam neke pastelne ruže ili romantični buket, a ona je umesto toga izabrala jedan baš moderan dizajn. Svaka čast, bako!

It took me some pretty time to make her the clock, my decoupaging output being a couple of pieces a year (oh, I wish I had time to do more!), and so I proudly went to visit my grandmother around Easter time to give her the clock. Imagine my surprise when I walked in her anteroom and saw some other decoupage clock already hanging on the wall!
Trebalo mi je puuuno vremena da joj napravim taj sat, pošto uspevam da napravim svega par stvarčica godišnje (što bih volela da imam više vremena!), i tako sam ja sva ponosna tamo negde oko Uskrsa otišla da odnesem baki sat. Zamislite moje iznenađenje kada sam ušla u predsoblje a ono tamo već visi dekupaž sat!

As it turned out, my grandma had well remembered that she "commissioned" a clock but forgot from whom. So sometime in between she asked my perplexed mom, when she'll be finishing the clock? My mom just shrugged, and although confused, having been doing decoupage herself, just made my grandma a clock, a pretty winter flowers inspired piece. And my grandma was happy and did not expect me to come by and bring her jet another clock! Enough to say, when we had it all figured out we all had a nice laugh. And that is how my grandmother now has two decoupage clocks.
Kako se ispostavilo, baka se itekako sećala da je "poručila" sat, ali je zaboravila od koga. I tako je ona u nekom momentu između pitala moju mamu kad će sat biti gotov? Mama se zbunila, al šta će, pošto i sama radi dekupaž, napravila je baki sat, lep inspirisan zimskim cvetnim motivima. I tako je baka bila zadovoljna što je dobila svoj sat ali se nije nadala da ću ja da dođem sa još jednim! Da skratim priču, barem smo se slatko nasmejale kada smo sve lepo raščivijale. I tako baka sada ima dva dekupaž zidna sata.

The background of this clock was black because the napkin itself has had the black background. I have hand-draw some parts of purple the vines and leafs using the amazing metallic colors by Stamperia (I love them!). There is a lot of silvery and pearly translucent details that are not to easy to catch on the photographs. The clock hands were also hand colored in gold with a permanent marker in order to make them "pop" from the background. All in all, I was pretty happy how it all turned out.
Sat je rađen sa crnom pozadinom, jer je takva i pozadina salvete. Delovi ljubičastih grančica su ručno dorađivani i iscrtavani fantastičnim metalik Stamperia bojama (obožavam ih!). Odgore ima puno srebra i sedefa, što nije tako lako uhvatiti foto aparatom. Kazaljke na satu sam takođe ručno bojila i to koristeći marker u zlatnoj boji, da bi se povećao kontrast i vidljivost naspram pozadine. Sve u svemu, bila sam prilično zadovoljna kako je sve na karju ispalo.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Manly man's decoupage box

It's easy to make a decoupage gift for a woman or a girls. That's a no-brainer. How about when you want to make a decoupaged gift for a guy? Things get far more complicated. You need to think about what men like, what colours are appropriate (surely not pink), what themes are acceptable (pretty flowers or romantic lady portraits are probably out of the question), and where to FIND material with such motifs.
Smisliti dekupaž poklon za žene ili devojke nije nimalo teško. Nikakva problem! Ali šta ako treba da smislite dekupaž poklon za mušku osobu? Tu stvari postaju puno komplikovanije. Treba smisliti šta je to što se muškarcima dopada, koje boje su prigodne (sigurno ne roza), koje teme su prihvatljive (lepi cvetići ili romantični ženski portreti sigurno otpadaju), i naravno, treba PRONAĆI materijal sa takvim motivima.
This is my take on decoupage for a guy. I've made it for a colleague, and my first (and only) real customer so far, as a small parting gift of appreciation when he was leaving the company.
Ovo je jedna moja vizija dekupaža za muškarca. Kutijicu sam napravila kao mali poklon kolegi, mojoj prvoj (i jedinoj) pravoj mušteriji, kada je odlatzio iz firme.
It's something I've made some time ago but didn't get the chance to share it yet (as is the case with most of my decoupage works, but I need to start somewhere). My only regret is that it was a last minute photo shoot, and now I see that some angles I usually like to take and share are not there... What can I do, c'est la vie!
Ovo je napravljeno pre dosta vremena, ali do sad nisam objavila (što je slučaj sa većinom mojih dekupaž radova, ali od negde treba početi). Jedino mi je žao što smo fotografisali u poslednji čas pa sam tek naknadno shvatila da nemam uslikane neke uglove koje inače volim. Ali, šta da se radi...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Decoupage box and coasters for a special friend

The good old previous post showed us at work and having fun in the process, but now let me introduce the focus of all that work (two girls and two afternoons, which might seem too long to some, but count in our perfectionism and some chit-chat over a cup of coffee, and you'll get the calculation straight).
U dobrom starom prethodnom postu videli ste nas na delu i kako uživamo u procesu, a sada evo da predstavim ono čime smo se bavile (dve ženske u dva popodneva, što nekom može delovati previše za ovaj posao ako nema u vidu koliki smo obe perfekcionisti i povremene pauze za kafu i blebetanje).

Marina and I have had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful fellow creatives online, on Facebook especially, and one of them is our dear Vlasta form Croatia. After receiving beautiful necklace pieces she made to surprise us, it was our turn to surprise her (for Valentines day) with something we made. We debated and deliberated and brainstormed and finally found our inspiration in her profile picture: a beautiful clown. Then we researched the web far and wide and found our that the clown was drawn by Mira Fujita. We were awed by the author's works and pictures and we decided to use them to make one very special decoupaged box and a matching set of coasters.
I Marina i ja smo do sada imale čast da upoznamo puno divnih kreativaca putem interneta, a naročito na Fejsbuku. Jedna od njih je i naša draga Vlasta iz Hrvatske. Ona nam je priredila predivno iznenađenje poslavši nam ogrlice koje je napravila za svaku od nas, i sada je bio naš red da uzvratimo iznenađenjem (za dan zaljubljenih). Puno smo se razmišljale, dogovarale, razmatrale i konačno našle svoju inspiraciju u njenoj profilnoj slici: jendom preslatkom klovnu. Onda smo pretražile internet uzduž i popreko dok nismo saznale da je autor te slike Mira Fujita čije su nas slike potpuno oduševile pa smo odlučile da na tu temu u dekupaž tehnici (a šta drugo?!) uradimo jednu sasvim posebnu kutiju i komplet podmetača uz nju.

What followed were two great creative afternoons in which we learned more about collaboration on a creative projects, how to blend two visions into a single one and make it that much better than we imagined in the beginning. This was the best possible opportunity to try out my new color printer at rice paper printing task. It proved somewhat tricky, but it was worth the effort in the end. We also remembered how difficult it is to catch the elusive silvery shimmer of pearly paints, but I hope these photos do the justice to the beautiful end product of our endeavour. Made with love, for someone who touched us with her kindness and good heart.
Ono što je usledilo su dva fenomenalna kreativna popodneva koja su nas naučila ponešto o zajedničkom radu na jednom kreativnom projektu, i o tome kako od dve vizije stvoriti jednu zajedničku koja prevazilazi sva očekivanja. Bila je to i savršena prilika da isprobam svoj novi kolorac i štampu na rižinom papiru. Iako nije bilo najjednostavnije, definitivno je vredelo truda. A takođe smo se potsetile i koliko je teško na fotografiji uhvatiti onaj fini meki preliv i sjaj sedefnih boja, s tim da se najiskrenije nadam da su uspele dočarati lepi rezultat našeg rada. Napravljeno sa ljubavlju, za nekog ko nas je dirnuo svojom ljubaznošću i dobrotom.